Friday, July 8, 2011

Autism programs in Denver?

My son is a little over 2 years old. We started to get worried about 6 months ago when we realized how delayed he was compare to other kids of his age as far his ability to speak. We had him evaluated by a speech therapist and were devastated to learn that he "fits somewhere under the spectrum of autism" We currently leave in Albuquerque, NM. This States has very little to no good programs for autistic children. Even to be able to see a specialist we have to wait about 3 months. From our researches we couldn't find a single school that offers accommodations and/or special programs for autistic kids here. We started looking for things in cities around us and it seems like Denver might have a lot to offer. We are expecting our second child in about a couple of months so the shortest we would have to move will be best. Is there anyone out there that's familiar with the programs offered in Denver, CO? Any input will be greatly appreciated.

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