Monday, July 18, 2011

Where to get a work permit in albuquerque?

I live in albuquerque and I want to start my first job but since I'm 15 I need a permit... where do I get one?

Is this skin cancer, some sort of cancer, an std, or anything to worry about?

Moles can be problematic but usually are not a serious health threat. Considering your concern about these two moles, I'd suggest that you see a doctor soon for a diagnosis. Make it work in your budget someway, peace of mind is priceless.

Where to take my kids on a Saturday?

We live in Albuquerque, NM and we are bored. Its very windy outside My kids are too young to care about museums, the aquarium here isn't all the great, and I have run out of ideas. Does anyone have any ideas on what we can do? We have cabin fever!

Can some give me detailed thoughtful answer for once?

I have always noticed that I have mood swings but thought it was hormonal. Few weeks ago i remember having a lot of energy and love being at work and working.i felt like energic bunny that was speeding around doing everything fast..i remember wanting to go shopping and just loved being out the house and driving in the last few weeks i have stayed home just wanted to lay in bed and relax, i didn't feel like doing anything. getting up in the mornings have been hard, work feels like it goes to slow i just want the day to be over so i can go home and be in my bed in front of the computer. i don't really feel like being around many people..i have become very snappy with my boss at work for the last few months.I am in recovery for alcoholism for the last five months..i used drinking for an escape. within the last two months i started smoking incense to made me feel great for few hrs.i could finally start feeling something instead of emptiness. I quit the smoking incense part, haven't smoked in a week. i been using caffine to feel some sort of energy..but it makes me very jittery.anxious and once its out my system i feel more depressed than ever. My memory is horrible now and I can't seem to keep my mind focused. I been told my birthfather, brother and possibly my birthmother have bipolar/depression in the aunt also had schizophrenia..What do you think? I am afraid if i do have it they will put me on mood stabalizers..but I just want the high energy feeling all the time..i just want to get rid of the low feelings

Naruto Question (Neji Hyuga)?

During the chunin exams before shipuden why does everybody not like him so much (not the ninja in naruto im talking about the people who watch the show) I mean sure he was kind of a jerk and really mean but you gotta admit hes pretty fye (beast). Especially when he was fighting Naruto and beating the crap out of him with 8 trigrams 64 palms and kaiten (rotation). So why don't people like him. Hes my favorite character, but I want to know if you like him and whats your favorite Neji moment in Naruto. Mines is during the chunin exams as previously stated and he shows off his two great techniques that even impress his uncle the head of the hyuga clan. Best answer/most thoughtful will get 10 points!

What is your first opinion on this mother and son photograph?

Yeah. Well, my mom has Multiple Sclerosis and can't work a lot because of it. We still live in the huge house my parents bought before I was born when they were very well off and together... Once they separated things changed and my mom could technically go on food stamps according to just her income. But with my child support and her alimony we have an okay life and it doesn't look like we struggle on the outside. But we do! :P

Did the Lord send Michele Bachmann to lead our Christian nation?!?

As the 2012 election nears it seems that the Lord has brought us this wonderful woman Michele Bachmann who is going to stop the immoral and sinful gay "marriages" and also the baby killings. She is going to infuse Christian values back into the government and have intelligent design taught in schools and stop the lies of evolution. This is a Christian nation and we need to get back to our root. I have seen this woman speak and she is intelligent and thoughtful and everything the Lord wants for our nation.

Serious question to christians...?

If god has a divine plan for everybody, does he plan for babies to get aborted? So the Doctor and mother are blame less. If a serial killer kills a bunch of people is it gods plan, and if so shouldnt we praise the killer for doing gods work? And why do you pray? god has already decided your faith beforehand? If you have cancer theres no reason to pray because god already decided when your gonna die. because he already knows your going to pray so why would that change the outcome

Seriously? Am I being selfish? (Heavy stuff)?

Either marry her or tell her to find someone else who wants to get married. If you are already living as a married couple what is a piece of paper?

Is there hypnosis for hypochondria?

I am wondering if there is such thing as hypnosis for hypochondria. would i have to go to a hypnotist specialized in hypochondria or what? can i go to any hypnotist? please give me answers, i am 16 and i have severe hypochondria resulting in many panic attacks every day worrying about lung cancer, oral cancer, heart attacks all that **** and quite frankly i'm ******* tired of it. please tell me if it is possible to get hypnosis for this in the Phoenix, Arizona area please please please!!!

I feel suffocated by my clingy girlfriend. What should I do?

I have been dating this girl for a month now. She is really cool and the sex is great. However, a couple of days ago I spent about 48 hours straight with her. This was an extreme overload. She spent two nights at my house. I'm thinking this much time together was a mistake this early in the relationship. It was to the point where I was incredibly annoyed by her presence. She wants a lot of hugs and kisses and is always looking at me like she worships me. I think shes pretty cool but she is obviously more into me than I am into her. I told her I was feeling like I needed some space and we had a vague talk about whether the relationship would work. We're still together but I feel like having time to myself. This being said I am apprehensive that I might be wasting a chance with her. She is probably the sweetest and most thoughtful girl I have ever met and she has a good heart. She's just too into me at an early stage and I feel trapped and claustrophobic. What should I do? This situation is really stressing me out. By the way I'm 22 and she's 21.

How do you decide on presents for people in your life for special occasions?

Maybe you could buy her (17 year old) something you know she likes. If she likes makeup, then buy her a makeup kit. If she likes blue jeans, get her a blue jean purse. If she still likes stuffed animals then buy her a stuffed rabbit. For the person getting married, take a photo of her and her fiance and get it professionally drawn and put it in a nice frame.

Is my boyfriend cheap or do I expect too much ? ?

My boyfriend , I can tell minds paying for thing when we go out . However he feels he it is right for him to pay & WON'T let me pay anywhere we go , if he does I have to pay the whole bill ( he doesnt want to split it but I can afford to do that all the time ) . I avoid eating out with him as a consequence . I always get him very thoughtful presents - a fish tank , orient express tickets etc. He on the other hand buys me body shop & minds paying for hotels ( we both live with put parents so we can't go back home ) I offer to pay foe it bur he won't let me so we just go to the back of his car :( . He also didn't send me a postcard on holiday - he tried to say he couldn't find one in Mauritius !!! And forgot to get me chocolates from duty free ( or he was to cheap to get them for me) - he tried again to make excuses to say the chocs melted . This after I've spent over �1k on his birthday - is it too much to ask for a postcard . I know it's vulgar for me to bring it up but he doesn't think anything if it if I don't . He won't buy nice roses - just the leftover knocked down ones . Surely I deserve better . All he got me from holiday was a small wobbling turtle - WTF I don't even like turtles .

Is a person who laughs at inappropriate situations, mentally ill ?

A person who laughs at things that the general population would view as being sad (Such as losing a job ) or being diagnosed with cancer) ....And a person who cries at something that most other people view as happy , , such as a family picnic etc ?

What are some cool "Route 66" towns along I-40?

I am a Route 66 enthusiast and enjoy taking pictures of Route 66 towns, etc. What are some cool Route 66 themed towns good for visiting and pictures along I-40 between Albuquerque and Oklahoma City?

If you had a picture of what Albuquerque means to you, what would it be of?

I am doing a photo project and I want to show the different aspects of Albuquerque from peoples own experiences. If you had, say, a desktop picture of Abq, what would it be?

What are the common signs & symptoms if someone has an ovarian cancer?can this be diagnosed even on the earlie?

what are the common signs & symptoms if someone has an ovarian cancer?can this be diagnosed even on the earlier stage?

Travel Help: Well water causes acne!?

I guess their water has bacteria... Don't stop washing your face! Just wash it with water bottles... Or the water they drink hope I helped :/

Ex-boyfriend puts up abortion billboard????

Was this Fultz character going to carry the pregnancy for her? Then it's not up to him. End of story.

Just got Married out of the US and now Im lost on What do I do next?

I do not see what difference it would make what state you are in. It pretty much would be he has to be here. There are no cheap lawyers.Lawyers will attach a fee for everything they do. He should be finding out what in his country does he need to do to get here.Since the marriage took place in El Salvador , that will be the most sense able starting point

Can your astrology effect your mood during certain lunar phases?

I had mood problems as a young teen when my emotions were already running high from traumatic experiences, and I'm a cancer. The psychiatrist I had to see for a short time said I was undiagnosable but put it down on his notes as bipolar I. I notice that when there is a full moon, I get either really excitable and hypomanic or really difficult/distraught depending on what's happening in my life, but the less moon there is the more productive and mellow/balanced I'll be. I am similar to a bipolar person, but the doctor told my mom I couldn't possibly be that, do you think I'm just effected by the phases of the moon since I'm a cancer? I have a very neutral personality, and if I didn't I think I would be completely crazy and unable to function.

Mothers! Would you be acting this way towards your daughter's boyfriend?

Get over it. Ever heard the term "monster in law" ? Sometimes parents just don't like you for no reason at all. It might be somehting you did once or they heard about you, or they just might not like you dating their daughter, who knows. Either ignore her or tell her that you don't know why shes acting so hostile to you, but you care about her daughter and would never do anything to hurt her. You guys are 19, it's not like you have to obey by all of your parents rules anymore.

Seniors, how can one make dear and fast friends overseas?

Sometimes there is just a connection, regardless of the location. This wonderful computer just makes it a bit easier to "reach out" to friends anywhere.

Personal financial question.. please help?

For goodness sake its $500 not the national debt! Count the number of weeks left before the trip and divide that into $500 and that is the amount they have to save per week. What they economise on depends on themselves

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"I have been hearing plastic water bottles that I drink daily cause cancer. What alternatives do I have?

I rent.. so.. replacing water systems is not an option. I don't at all trust tap. I have tried britta.. and thought it was a bust. Again a plastic container britta.. and the filters were expensive. Would I bet better off boiling my water on a huge pot on the stove and refrigeration Or buying huge glass mason jars?

Which State Would Your Prefer For College?

I'm from a little tiny town in Colorado and I have three siblings that went to college in Boulder that I would visit often. This isn't terrible relevant since Colorado Springs is like an hour away from Boulder, but when I would visit Colorado Springs I noticed that it is very beautiful. Colorado in general is pretty good in general. The mountains make for great hiking in the summer and great skiing in the winter. The winters get kind of cold (compared to texas) but the summers are usually really nice. Colorado is a good place to live.

Where can i buy takis in albuquerque?

They are all the rage at my kids school here in CA. He likes the fuego and I like the guacamole. Try a mexican grocery store.

Liberals will you support Obama's effort to give illegals citizenship?

You are shouting on deaf ears. You are making valid points but you should know by now the Libs will just come out and say. "All those so called facts equal only to Racism!", or "They commit crimes because you conservatives force them to play that hand.", or "So you are telling me that Americans do not commit crimes?", or "If you give them citizenship or more benefits they would not have to commit these crimes." In short my mother told me when I was a little girl that the worst type of blindness is that of someone who refuses to see. Liberals refuse to see, or hear or anything else that does not include a welfare check.

Is it nice of a girl to send you a short note saying, that she hopes you have a great summer?

I think it is nice and thoughtful, and her way of letting you know that although the two of you arent together anymore she does not have anything against you, and may possibly still want to remain cool with you. I


I'm looking into physician assistant programs in both Mesa, AZ and Albuquerque, NM and I was wondering which city is best. I'm from a suburban area in CT and I'm looking for a drastic change in scenery, but still want to feel safe. When I say which one is better I mean as far as safety, beauty, and atmosphere go. I prefer culturally interesting areas and a lot of things to do. I'll be 24 years old when I leave and I am a female so safety is a large factor in this decision. Thank you!

Questions about adoption?

I'm pregnant and could never go threw an abortion. I have 2 children already and make just enough to support them. Another baby would result in less for them I want to send them to college if they choose to go and buy there first car and there wedding (i have 2 girls) I feel my girls AND the baby would be better taken care of if I thoughtful adoption for this new baby. Were do I begin? Social services? How long should I wait (as to not disappoint a couple if something went wrong since I'm only 4 weeks in) could I be involved in the choosing of the parents so I feel my baby is in good hands? Any information on this subject is helpful thank you!

How long canyou last with testicular cancer?

Less time than if you have it taken care of. Testicular should be quite treatable if caught early enough.

Testicular and or prostate cancer at 19?

OK. this is gonna be awkward any way i word it. I just hope people wont think I'm being crude or attention seeking after reading this. i am literally scared s***less right now. Here it goes... a couple of nights ago i was talking to my girlfriend. Its a long distance thing (pathetic i know) and oddly enough she is more promiscuous than i am. needless to say i didn't believe her when she told me she was a bit of a nympho. so we are talking on the phone and things get heated and i end up playing the trombone so to speak. after two rounds of this i go to sleep and three days later i still have discomfort in the hanging region. after day three i started getting scarred and researched symptoms of both cancers. that didn't help. I had three of the symptoms i saw on the list and that made my blood run cold.. i don't didn't have the bleeding symptom/symptoms. not yet at least . What should i do? I have my hole life ahead of me and i don't want to lose my fertility to chemo! Plus I have 2 seven hundred word essays to write and i can't focus with this on my mind!

There is a mole on my back?

Ok so I found a mole on my upper back and I don't know what it's from. I went to Florida last week and was in the sun a lot... When I got home is when I noticed it. I have a lot of freckles everywhere, and a couple of moles here and there, but they are flat. This one sticks out. It's really small though. I can reach it if I put my hand back there, and it feels like you can just rip it right off. (Of course I won't though). What should I do? ALSO I have had this mole above my ear (covered by my hair) and its about the size of a hole punch in notebook paper. It's been there for quite some time. My mom is going to call the dermatologist to schedule an appointment. But my sister was scaring me saying I could have some sort of skin cancer. I'm a healthy 14 year old girl, so I don't think I do... but still, is it just a normal mole or what do you think?

I have a lump under my armpit..?

If you look at it its about the size of a quarter but if your feel it it small.... I just noticed a couple days ago but it couldve be there before tht.. I kinda sweat alot under there since it summer.. I'm 12 and its my left arm... Is it cancer!!!?? Sorry if I'm over reacting... And also I felt something around my armpit about a couple months ago its about the size of a pea and I think it was a cyst but it went away but I was kinda wondering if it has anything to do with tht.... PLEASE AND THANK U :)

My older brother morbidly obese?

Give him the realization that if he doesn't get his sh*t together he's going to die alone, fat, and a waste of space but not before possibly getting diabetes and other cancers.

Why do you think the majority of people do not question what they think they know?

Yeah, I agree with you. I can't remember who made that famous quote about people not remembering history being doomed to repeat it. I think it's irrelevant whether you remember or not. We're just doomed to repeat it regardless.

Accused child rapist wants deportation should he get a get out jail card lawyer is asking for?

I believe all perverts should be shot regardless of race. Would you have posted this if he was white?

Am I a stuck up princess because I prefer to not drink?

Don't drink its bad for you it makes you drunk and dizzy, it is also illegal to drink when you drive because you can get a accident when you are drunk and dizzy!

I would like to get a t shirt signed for charity?

hi i wanna get a teenage cancer trust tshirt signed for charity to auction on ebay, i know there were some sonisphere secret sessions in aid of it but does anyone know where i could get it signed soon and by someone reasonably big, eg. bfmv or biffy clyro . would u reccomned just asking them if i can post it to them by email or attend a signing...

Any ideas for a cheap yet thoughtful gift for a friend?

well first of all my friend is a girl shes cheerful and bubbly and i dont have much money but id like to get her something good! i dont want something all heartfelt just something thoughtful yet fun!

Got a parking ticket, but police/sheriffs don't?!?

Do what you need to do but the sooner you realize that any connection between fairness and justice and what happens in real life dealing with police and the courts is PURELY coincidental, the less frustration you will experience.

Why did Muhammad not teach his followers the true name of God?

Muhammad is a false prophet, if his story is true he chose to follow a spirit that disagreed with God and the words of the prophets. The very spirit that he received revelation from instructs him that if he has doubts about this revelation he should speak with those who read the previous scriptures.. (Q.10:94) Muhammad is a false prophet even according to his own book.

How to stop being a troll?

Honestly, I am tired of giving troll answers and asking troll questions. It's time I started being mature and giving serious, thoughtful answers because in the long run, this will benefit me. This transition is hard, but I will start from this question on.

LGBT: Have any of you ever been a victim of a violent crime?

omg i'm so sorry to hear that! that is terrible. to answer your question, i can say that i have not thank goodness.

Does the amount of ignorance surprise you?

You may live in an open minded, thoughtful environment, but there are many who do not. Oftentimes close mindedness can come from someone you have a high opinion of. What are some surprising incidences where you have encountered ignorance you weren't prepared for?

Ilied about having cancer to my girlfriend. What do I do?

I've been with my girlfriend for about 2 years and about a month and a half ago I found out I had this lymph thing in my stomach that I had to get removed. I had to go to a bunch of doctor appointments to get ready for it and she knew bout the appointments but not what it was for. She didn't wanna know. So I had a really basic single insision surgery and got it removed. She asked about it and I told her that I still had a tumor in my brain. I didnt. About a week ago I told her it became cancerous and that I was getting another surgery to get rid of it today. She's away in another country so she doesn't have any way to contact me. She was quite sad and always crying because of it but I was to scared to tell her it was a lie even though it made me feel terrible. I was scared it would end verything with us and now the lie is almost done. When she gets back, I can tell her its all done but I feel terrible and I just don't know what to do. I know I dis such a stupid and retarded thing and I hurt the one person I cared the most about in my hole life. I don't know what to do. I feel so stupid and lost. I don't know why I did it. I can't even make up a reason. I just don't know what to do at all. I just need some help. Please can someone tell me what to do or just any form of advice. I feel so bad and I've even started having thoughts of killing myself because of it. I don't think she could ever forgive me and I just don't know what to do because I love her. Why did I even do this? Please can someone just tell me anything. Im so sorry ecause of it and I wantthia to all go away. What should I do?

What car would be best for me?

I'm graduating high school and am going off to college this year. I need a car that can get me from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Albuquerque, New Mexico later this summer. I'm getting a new car/SUV and wanted suggestions. I like anything that looks good, but know nothing about cars so I wanted some suggestions. With the rising gas prices, what car or SUV would suit me and the location i'll be at?

8 month anniversary present?

me and my boyfriend are going to a Christian camp for a week, during which our 8 month anniversary happens to fall. I'd like to give him a little something, but nothing big/expensive. I also don't want to cause a big scene about the whole thing either. just something thoughtful. i had thought maybe a note, but I want something else too. suggestions, ideas, etc. please!

How long would it take you to forgive someone you felt had put your child in danger because of poor judgment?

As soon as that person says sorry while actually seeming sorry.I may be a bit more careful around that person and such,but I will forgive them.Wait.I don't have kids.This doesn't apply to me...Oh well.

This was a very thoughtful gift, but it kind of felt a bit compromised?

Yeah it is weird but just appreciate what you have got, you seem greatful anyway but dont worry about it now the past is the past but i agree they should of bought the present for just you two, not themselves.

Are Native Americans of asian decent?

It's commonly believed the very first settlers in the Western Hemisphere crossed over by the Bering Strait. That would have been in prehistoric times,about 13,500 B.C.

Do I have a good chance of getting into a good school?

Based on the schools you've chosen above, I'd say your chances are fine. However, with a GPA like that it will be insanely hard to get in anywhere better. Oh, and colleges don't know that you're required to take religion classes and they don't necessarily know how hard your high school is, so it might be difficult.

Choosing a host city and Gday Usa?

Our host city choices are Portland, Oregon; Valdosta, Georgia; San Francisco, California; San Diego, California; South County LA, California; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Phoenix, Arizona and Seattle Washington. If you have been to any of these places please tell me as much about them as you can and if you have been on the gday usa trip, some comments about it and were you stayed. Thank you.

Albuquerque Cliff's Water Monkeys'- is it open yet?

Does anyone know if the Cliff's Water Monkeys' part of the park has opened yet this year? The website says "Mid-May" and the phone recording only has info from last year. I forgot to call earlier today to ask :(

Is my boyfriend cheap or do I expect too much ? ?

My boyfriend , I can tell minds paying for thing when we go out . However he feels he it is right for him to pay & WON'T let me pay anywhere we go , if he does I have to pay the whole bill ( he doesnt want to split it but I can afford to do that all the time ) . I avoid eating out with him as a consequence . I always get him very thoughtful presents - a fish tank , orient express tickets etc. He on the other hand buys me body shop & minds paying for hotels ( we both live with put parents so we can't go back home ) I offer to pay foe it bur he won't let me so we just go to the back of his car :( . He also didn't send me a postcard on holiday - he tried to say he couldn't find one in Mauritius !!! And forgot to get me chocolates from duty free ( or he was to cheap to get them for me) - he tried again to make excuses to say the chocs melted . This after I've spent over �1k on his birthday - is it too much to ask for a postcard . I know it's vulgar for me to bring it up but he doesn't think anything if it if I don't . He won't buy nice roses - just the leftover knocked down ones . Surely I deserve better . All he got me from holiday was a small wobbling turtle - WTF I don't even like turtles .

To the fans of Bugs Bunny!?

How many cartoons did Bugs Bunny Say "I knew i should have taken that left turn left turn at Albuquerque?" It seems to me there were several!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Map showing oxbow lake of the rio grande in albuquerque nm?

illustration of floodplain boundaries,the meandering river oxbow lake bluffs bosque backswamp alluvial deposit natural levees of the rio grande river in albuquerque nm

Question about pension credit?

Ok so my mum was receiving income support and I always wanted a part time job whilst at college/university but couldn't because my income would have been deducted from my mum's income support but now she's going to be receiving state pension + pension credit (for a married couple). She also gets disability living allowance as she has cancer. My question is, will me getting a part time job affect any of her payments? From what I've gathered household income brought in by me from say, a part time job, has no affect on pension, pension credit or disability allowance, but I'm not sure, so any help would be much appreciated.

What does The Avengers Captain America costume look like?

My uncle has seen the captain america costume while driving around the set here in Albuquerque and he seen what it looks like but won't tell me, but he did tell me that it is very similar to the Ultimates. So, can anyone tell me what it looks like because I want to know. Show me descriptions or pictures because I want to know what this costume looks like.

Do I have oral cancer??? please help i'm so scared?

i have these two weird bump things on both sides of my cheek inside my mouth. the thing is...their near the top of my teeth so there is no way i could have bitten my cheek up there. i can kinda pull them and idk it's really weird but i'm so scared. does this sound like oral cancer? im 16 and have smoked for a year every day

How to get checked for cancer?

Okay, so I wanted to know how I can get checked for everything from all types of cancers to all types of diseases, etc all at one visit to the doctor? I just want to know so I dont feel scared anymore :/

Can you die from colon cancer?!? ?

My neighbor says his back has been hurting for the past year or two. He's 66. He told me that he has colon cancer and they JUST found it, after going to the doctor a couple times a month. He showed me a picture. It's about the size of a quarter. I don't want him to go. He is such a nice man so caring . He Is always willing to help out! I feel so bad cause he's a good person!!!! Is he gonna die? He is generally really healthy ... Omg I dont want him to go he is my only normal neighbor, the rest are freaks.... Omg and his dog . Can you die from colon cancer? My high school gym teacher had it and he was fine after treatment . But is it too late???

Why is new music so bad? I hate it so much!?

Well, I'm 31 and I'm listening to a lot of bands who were big when I was in my teens, like Marilyn Manson, SlipKnoT, Mudvayne, etc. Ironically, though, when I was in my teens, I was listening to Hair Metal music that was big when I was like 10. So maybe when I'm in my 40's, I'll be able to appreciate the music of today :). Anyway, though, I think the reason for that is because you hear current music all the time; on the radio, on Mtv (when they actually play music), at the mall, etc. and after hearing something all the time you kind of start to grow numb to it. But if you don't hear a certain type of music in a while, you start to miss it so you learn to appreciate it more, you know? Like "distance makes the heart grow fonder". At least that's what it is for me, anyway.

Do i have a right to be upset?

I can tell you (as a guy) we hate taking on the phone becuase we feel asthough we're too akward. I mean we're guys, we're terrible with our words and feel like we might say something stupid or something we don't mean to say. Bare with him, my girlfreind still busts my butt for not calling her enough. Simply just talk to him about it and maybe ask him to call alittle more.

Have you ever been criticized for how much time you spend working on projects?

I'm a perfectionist, i also have OCD so I'm extremely rigid about symmetry etc. I have had teachers laugh at me, get impatient with me, and some understanding as well which was a nice change. Although, I wouldn't be angry with them if they didn't let me because that's an important part of pushing through obsessions/compulsions. I'm very slow with projects in most areas in my life however I hate not getting things done so it's a real problem...

This was a very thoughtful gift, but it kind of felt a bit compromised?

This is what happens when you don't stand up for yourself. The entire plan is ridiculous and of course, you should have refused stating you already had plans that could not be broken. These sound like good people to keep out of your life, their behavior was outrageous.

Why do atheist fear the after life when the before life is much harder to explain.?

well this is my belife, no matter what since birth religion has been drilled in your head you cannot dennie that, either with an actual god or wondering about death as a child, so you have no choice to consider what lie beyond death, an atheist has somewhat or completley removed that brain washed (again my thoughts) where they no nothing lies beyond and except that, another thing i think christians or whatever religion can't deal with that knowing or except it so they turn to the sky and pray to a god. but what atheist and all people fear for that matter is the moment, the second right before death, where they feel it creepying in, then they have to choices, denie it and still be frightened, or accept whats happening an take one last gasp of the rich air.

Personal Grad Gift ideas?

A great graduation gift would be a fine piece of Wall Art or even a handcrafted wooden jewelry box if she is into jewelry and small trinkets. I got a MarqArt jewelry box for my friend for her graduation and she loves it. It looks great too..very sophisticated and something that is different and unexpected! Take a look at their collection, am sure you will find out that's within your budget.

Do I have Breast cancer? (I'm 11)?

I know that it is extremely rare but my breasts are always sore and have not gotten my period and they aren't growing and when I feel my breasts (even though it hurts) I can feel big a hard lump in each of them please help!!!!

Has U.S. Airways gone berserk in its dress code? Have men's knees and boxer shorts suddenly become obscene?

When responsible people get dressed to go somewhere they pull their pants up and tuck their shirts into their belt at the waist not at the knees! We wear pants to cover our butts not to expose them at the top of the pants and walk on the legs! Only an idiot who was never taught how to get dressed or a person with no respect would dress like that in public! Since it was a black man you right away pull out the racial idiot card. All people who wear their clothes a different way than the way they were designed to be worn is either stupid or an entertainer or has a discipline problem!

What to do on first year anniversary?

i have a real big problem, its coming up to a year being with my partner on the 8th off july and im really stuck on what to do and i dont think it helps as were going away with her mum and dad to there house in st tropez for 2 weeks(4th to the 18th off july) we have been on rocky terms as well so its really hard to think off anything thoughtful to her :( can any body give me some advice or tips please as i haven got very long also what could i buy her?

Should I go out with this girl?

There is a girl that I have just started to hang out with. She has an amazing personality, caring, kind, thoughtful, and just awesome. However, from a physical attraction stand point Im not very attracted to her. Should I date her and see if something happens or should I not even entertain the idea of dating since im not attracted to her?

Gift for Boyfriend/ Bestfriends Birthday?

He's my Bestfriend & my Boyfriend, he's helped me get through so much, & he's really important to me so for his birthday I thought it would be a cute Idea since he loves basket ball, to get a basket ball & write some meaningful stuff on it,( I know it's not much but it's a thoughtful idea) -.- But I have writers block.. any suggestions?

A proper gift for a cancerian girl?

she is my closest friend....means a lott to me...she likes simple and thoughtful gifts....and she hates expensive ones....please help me select a birthday gift for her asap...!!!!please!and her sun sign is cancer...and her birthday was on 24th of this month...

What is the small and great of our salvation how do you express theses two words; please give scripture or....?

What is the small and great of our salvation how do you express theses two words; please give scripture or.... your express thoughtful?

What are some good and affordable places to get married by an officiant in Albuquerque?

We want our family to be there so mabye it could be a chapel or something...We dont want to get married by the church...

When's the next flash mob in albuquerque?

There are many websites about the OLD flash mobs in ABQ. But I wanna know if there's one coming up this weekend, or even next weekend. Hope so!

Is it hazardous to send matches or a lighter in a package?

I'm sending my girlfriend some scented candles I bought her in the mail. I was going to send her a pack of matches to go along with it, you know to be thoughtful :) I was wondering if it would be considered hazardous since it is summer time and the package might be placed in warm or hot areas.

Old soil IN pots - okay to plant?

The old soil should be broken up/tilled to remove old root systems found in the pots. Mix the old soil with some new/bagged or right-out-out-of-nearby-ground soil to freshen a bit. A little vermiculite or coarse sand would help to aerate the old soil. Yes, plant your flowers in these pots with the reconditioned soil. Apply the same process with large raised beds. Hope this is helpful. Good Luck.

What are good birthday gifts for my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 7 months, and its his 17th birthday except I dont know what to get him. All he wants to do is spend the day with me, but I also want to get him something as well. I'll be spending the day at his house, which means his brothers and parents will be around too. My boyfriend hates video games...but he's really into guns and more 'hick' like stuff. I dont know if a gift card to maybe Gander Mountain would be very thoughtful, but thats what I was thinking of getting him. What do you think are good gift ideas?

Is it possible to get cervical cancer even if its even if its you first time and your boyfriend also?

You don't get cervical cancer from having sex. The connection is that if the male has the HPV virus he can pass it on to the female. This virus raises the risk of the female contracting cervical cancer when she gets older, it doesn't mean she WILL get it and women who haven't been infected with the virus can still get cervical cancer. Don't waste time worrying about it just if you do want to have sex with different partners over the years then play it safe and wear a condom, have regular pap smears so that any abnormality can be picked up early and then you should be fine.

Are there any good temporary lodging locations for dogs in Albuquerque, NM?

My Grandma is in the hospital and we are trying to find her dog some temporary lodging, but are having a hard time finding a location to have him at, as no one is available to take care of him. Are there any places that can take in a pet last minute in the Albuquerque area that are not extremely expensive. If so what is necessary to bring to allow them to take him in (i.e. shot records) as we are not sure of where everything is and my Grandma is currently not at her most lucid so it would be difficult to find out.

Why is it when I'm drunk I love to clean and I'm very kind and chatty like and cvery respectful thoughtful ?

Drunk- love to clean love to chat- be respectful be kind be social love to help other ppl get stuff for em lol and love to do crazy stuff -

I lied about cancer to my girlfriend. What do I do?

I've been with my girlfriend for about 2 years and about a month and a half ago I found out I had this lymph thing in my stomach that I had to get removed. I had to go to a bunch of doctor appointments to get ready for it and she knew bout the appointments but not what it was for. She didn't wanna know. So I had a really basic single insision surgery and got it removed. She asked about it and I told her that I still had a tumor in my brain. I didnt. About a week ago I told her it became cancerous and that I was getting another surgery to get rid of it today. She's away in another country so she doesn't have any way to contact me. She was quite sad and always crying because of it but I was to scared to tell her it was a lie even though it made me feel terrible. I was scared it would end verything with us and now the lie is almost done. When she gets back, I can tell her its all done but I feel terrible and I just don't know what to do. I know I dis such a stupid and retarded thing and I hurt the one person I cared the most about in my hole life. I don't know what to do. I feel so stupid and lost. I don't know why I did it. I can't even make up a reason. I just don't know what to do at all. I just need some help. Please can someone tell me what to do or just any form of advice. I feel so bad and I've even started having thoughts of killing myself because of it. I don't think she could ever forgive me and I just don't know what to do because I love her. Why did I even do this? Please can someone just tell me anything. Im so sorry ecause of it and I wantthia to all go away. What should I do?

Apartment Complex's responsibility to replace personal property damaged by a water leak in another apartment?

A friend, who is a senior, currently lives in an senior living apartment complex in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The apartment above her flooded and heavily damaged her apartment and many of her furnishings and possessions. The apartment complex moved her into another apartment but does not intend to pay for any of the damages to her personal property. She did not possess any renter's insurance and is on a fixed income, being unable to easily replace anything she owns. What rights does she have in this case?

Does this sound like stomach cancer?

I have been having acid reflux for a couple years now, but have never really done anything about it. In the past six months or so, it's only gotten worse and worse. I have reflux, indigestion, horrible stomach pains and lots of bloating (I'm skinny, but my stomach is puffy and big), loss of appetite and weight (used to eat a ton, now I never want anything), nausea and (sometimes crippling) fatigue, runny stools, and just an overall feeling of unwellness. I have this after every single time I eat and it lasts for hours and hours. I am constantly bothered by it; there's not a moment of my day where I feel "good" unless I haven't eaten anything at all... which makes my stomach burn with hunger and makes me feel sick and dizzy. I'm only sixteen, I don't know how this could be possible, but I'm very worried!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Are landlords required to paint after tenant move-out?

We rented an apartment for the last six months in Albuquerque, New Mexico and now the Landlord and manager are trying to keep two thirds of our deposit to paint the place for yellowing from smoking tobacco inside. When we signed the lease, I asked the manager if smoking was allowed and she said yes. They claim to be retaining the funds on the grounds that the lease was only for six months (they usually only signed for nine to twelve months). I was under the impression that regardless of lease length, owners of leased property are responsible for re-painting before new tenant moves in. Is this correct?

Why do i always feel my boyfriend is cheating or he hates me?

he is the best boyfriend i've ever had in my entire life and i love him with my whole heart, and he says the same. he tells me EVERYDAY that he loves me and that i'm beautiful, seriously, everyday since we started dating, and it's been 7 months. he is so sweet to me, so thoughtful, everything i could have ever asked for, yet, i seem to be paranoid about him cheating on me. i know i have some predisposition since my father and a few of my uncles are serial cheaters, but why the one i love most? is he really pulling the wool over my eyes or am i?

Would I need surgery to determine if a mass that is in my knee is a tumor or just a calcified lesion?

I am 20 year old female with no prior injuries. A marble sized mass was recently discovered in my knee, I have noticed it before because it will sometimes move around and get trapped behind my knee cap, making it so I cannot bend my knee until I move it again. My ortho ordered an MRI to get a better look at it, he briefly explained that it was growing but he was not sure what it was. He mentioned the possibility of it being a tumor (also mentioned cancer) or a calcified lesion. Will he be able to determine what this mass is by looking at the MRI results or will I possibly have to have knee surgery to have it removed to determine what it actually is? I am just a little freaked out that he mentioned cancer, and I have a month before I am able to see him again. Any answers or anyone's own experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Gift for girlfriend leaving for a month?

My girlfriend is leaving to teach dance on the other side of the country for a month and i'm not stoked about it. But i want to give her something, just honestly not sure what. she already has all the tech gadgets on the market (iphone, laptop, camera, flip, ipad, etc etc). But wanted to give her something more original like a journal? what else could be useful and thoughtful?

Do u agree with this Martinez plans to ask a special session of the Legislature to stop NM licenes to illegls?

Yes. It is an imperative. Go to Gallup New Mexico and drive down the main street on a very cold December Sunday Morning, and you will find tribesmen standing out side in shirts drinking out of a bottle and and dead as all get out with in three days with advanced pneumonia if not simply frozen to death. The illegal aliens are moving in.. selling their meth.. and killing one whole bunch of very vulnerable Americans.

Best way for two people from far two different states to get to Grand Canyon?

I'm looking for suggestions on how two people - one in Topeka Kansas and the other in San Antonio, TX could get to Grand Canyon in Arizona. We are planning a week long hike in the canyon so we both have gear to transport. Should one of us meet at the others home? Should we fly and rent a car someplace (Phoenix? or Albuquerque? Las Vegas?) We have discussed this but can't settle it between us. OPEN TO ANY SUGGESTIONS (Beam me up, Scotty)

I need something to cut with?

first sterilize it give it an alochol bath for an hour. razor. nail. diabities pricks. staples. sharp rock. etc best is a razor

Red itchy Bump on vagina?

So there's this reoccuring bump by my vagina it's like right above it. it hurts when I touch it and it's itchy. I'm still a virgin and I am 17. And it's happened to me before and it's gone away but it hurts. I haven't shaved so I know that's not why it appeared. So what is it cancer? A disease? Something natural? Should I have it checked?

Is it possible I hurt my throat?

On June 8th I had trouble swallowing. Then 11 days later I had bad chest pain, that made me feel like I had a heart attack. Now I have the feeling that something is in my throat, my face gets numb. I never smoked on drank. Could I have throat cancer?

I feel lumps over my nipple not under and is that brest cancer im 14. What else could it be? Please answer me!?

Haha no its not if they are on your nipples and not under.. that's totally normal and I like those on a woman. some girls have em some don't.. its not a big deal

Why did Muhammad not teach his followers the true name of God?

Muhammad is a false prophet, if his story is true he chose to follow a spirit that disagreed with God and the words of the prophets. The very spirit that he received revelation from instructs him that if he has doubts about this revelation he should speak with those who read the previous scriptures.. (Q.10:94) Muhammad is a false prophet even according to his own book.

How do movers charge? I am moving from Boston to Albuquerque?

I have a one bedroom apartment, but not taking any furniture. (bed, dresser, etc.) I'm taking lots of books (college paperbacks) clothes, cooking ware) How much would a moving company charge me?

I am thinking about earning a degree in criminal justice and I wanted to know what the best school is?

I live in New Mexico so I need to know the best criminal justice program in new mexico. I was also hoping to work for the DEA as an agent so I need to know what school that they would think is the best in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Do you think my moodiness could be caused by the phases of the moon?

I had mood problems as a young teen when my emotions were already running high from traumatic experiences, and I'm a cancer. The psychiatrist I had to see for a short time said I was undiagnosable but put it down on his notes as bipolar I. I notice that when there is a full moon, I get either really excitable and hypomanic or really difficult/distraught depending on what's happening in my life, but the less moon there is the more productive and mellow/balanced I'll be. I am similar to a bipolar person, but the doctor told my mom I couldn't possibly be that, do you think I'm just effected by the phases of the moon since I'm a cancer? I have a very neutral personality, and if I didn't I think I would be bat-**** crazy and unable to function.

Where can I get a broken china plate fixed?

Got some fine china as a wedding gift but, go figure, a plate broke. What can I do/where can I go to fix it? Albuquerque NM

Should I go out with this girl?

There is a girl that I have just started to hang out with. She has an amazing personality, caring, kind, thoughtful, and just awesome. However, from a physical attraction stand point Im not very attracted to her. Should I date her and see if something happens or should I not even entertain the idea of dating since im not attracted to her?

Do i have testicular cancer?

I've had heaviness in my right testicle for a while now. A while ago I had pain while urinating. My lower right back hurts sometimes too. I'm only 17. I'm very worried. I don't want to die. Do I have testicular cancer

Invited to Bridal Shower but not the wedding?

You are not obligated to invite your mother-in-law to be, friends to your wedding they are choosing to attend you wedding shower and that is there decision. Relax and Have a Wonderful Wedding Day and a Happy Honeymoon.

What is Ithaca, NY like?

I wish to apply to Cornell, but I have to ask, is Ithaca a rural or suburban area? I'm from Albuquerque, NM, if that helps. I love the city, but don't want to move there right away. I'd like a more suburban area.

I have no idea what to do with this?

Okay, well, my sister being stupid yet thoughtful of me went to the beach with my mom the other day while I was at a friend's sleep-over and my sister brought back three sand crabs with her, they aren't very big but they are still sand crabs. My birthday is in a few days and she wanted to give them to me as a b-day gift.. I'm scared, I don't want them to die. She's a lot younger than me (4) and she had no idea what she was doing was wrong. She brought me back three water bottles full of salt water from the beach and a sandwich bag amount of beach sand. I am currently keeping them in a 2 gallon fish bowl I used to use as a (well, you guessed it) fish bowl! Haha, lol... Durhhh I guess... Anyway, I put in the sandwich bag of sand and two water bottles and the sand is just moist and the crabs are like digging aroung and everything. I have one water bottle of salt water left, and I have no beach sand left. We live an hour from the beach in a part of San Diego (inland area) and we rarely go to the beach, so I can't bring them back to their home): I feel really bad for them because I don't want them to die. I've had them since Friday. Do they eat sea weed or what? Please don't give me some answer that I'm not looking for, like I'm making the wrong mistake or something for keeping them because there is nothing I can do. If I run out of water, what do I do?! PLease help me...!

He watches porn to learn 'new tricks,' but...?

On the one hand, you do need to be able to tell him what you want. On the other hand, if what you want is celibacy, then you should see your doctor and determine whether anything can be done to get your sex drive back if him cutting some of the kinkier stuff from the repertoire doesn't do the trick. There has to be a healthy compromise here...and if there isn't, then you'll either need to bring in a counselor or get used to using the porn as an outlet if you want the marriage to stay healthy.

Could ending all of our wars, getting out of all muslim lands & raising taxes slightly save the day?

These wars cost us several billion dollars a day, not to mention all the other expenses that go with maintaining an 800 billion borrowed dollar a year military. We pay three or four billion a day in interest on our debts. I see a window of opportunity here to radically change the algebra of this situation without sticking it to the less favored. A lot of folks sacrificed their lives and limbs over the last decade...if we ask the most favored among us to sacrifice a few bucks for a decade so we can pull out of this dive, what's the harm? How about some long and thoughtful answers. I promise I'll read them.

What Does My Birth Chart Indicate?

As I have noticed, the Mars in Capricorn makes you a warrior sort of person. Like you can literally conquer anything at all, and you have great imaginative powers.

Are there any health risks associated with solar panels?

Hi, I've recently bought a solar charger for my iPod touch. Are there any health risks such a's skin cancer or radiation associated with it? If so, do I have to handle it with care? ie wearing gloves or something

Have you ever been criticized for how much time you spend working on projects?

For group projects, yes. Some projects take me longer than I anticipate. In that case, I try to tell my group members that I am struggling with my section so that I can either get assistance or I can switch parts with someone else.

Can i go to Summer School in July?

Speak to your guidance counselor. Summer school is already so short that it is difficult to miss any class./

Questions about food stamps (snap) application and phone interview?

Because of unfortunate circumstances revolving around being laid off and other unmentionables, my husband and I decided to fill out an application for food stamps. No, we are not proud of this and no, we do not intend to make this long term or abuse the system! Just need to be able to feed ourselves and daughter till I get back on my feet and successfully find employment . Here is my question. After turning in the application, I received in the mail a letter titled Request for Contact. In this letter I am advised to call and schedule a phone interview. Now, on the back of the letter there are several requirements in which I am supposed to provide proof for to be eligible. The Case Manager or whatever the name may be for the person interviewing me only checked off Proof of Income. Now I am worried. Did he only check off that one requirement because we do not stand a chance to be eligible and this determination can be found out with just our income (or what's left of it)? Or is that a good sign that the process will be quick and painless? Also, I have read that there can be deductions made to what income you have to help you qualify. How does this work and how much will be deducted for gas, electric, rent and medical care? Any mature, thoughtful answers will be appreciated. We are really trying to stay afloat during what has become our most difficult time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is the pain in my chest? please read.?

im 14 years old and ive been having this unexplained pain in my chest. it started when i was watchin tv and i felt a popo in my chest and then a sharp pain came right after. it hurt really bad. and the pain radiated from the left side of my chest near my heart to the right. it stopped for a while and now the feelings coming back. my family has a history of breast cancer and heart problems.. could it be either one.?

What's a good way to get expelled?

how about putting hidden cameras in the comfort rooms of the school? and uploading them on the internet. LOLOLOLOL

Is it normal too have feelings for someone who you never meet?

So, one day I was watching Transformers. Half way through the movie I realized I felt more empathy for the transformers than I did the humans that were dying. My point is - I think you are normal. As humans, we have an astounding ability to empathize. If you like her - I say go for it! Life is too short to waste wondering.

Could this be a sign of sickness?

So for the past few days, I have been extremely overwhelmed. I just found out that my dad might possibly have cancer and for the past few days, I honestly feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Nothing seems real except I know it is. I've started feeling lost, abandoned, and also sick. My mom and I have always got along but for the past couple days, I feel like she doesn't know me at all and that she's judging me. Once in a while, I'll feel nausiated and dizzy, but I haven't actually thrown up at all. I was just wondering if my feelings emotionally could be a symptom of a sickness or what not. So basically, I'm dizzy, feeling lost, abandoned, and misunderstood. Thanks to any helpful answers!

What are the symptoms of cancer?

There are too many different types to say. For instance, I had Breast Cancer, it was a stage 1, I felt no lump, felt no pain, had no symptoms, and only found out about it, on my yearly mammogram and ultrasound. Some cancers do not cause pain until they are in their later stages.

Thoughtful gift for friend who is moving away?

I have a friend who I have known ever since kindergarten, and she's moving away. I don't have any pictures of only the two of us sadly, but i have a lot of group pictures. What would be a good gift to get or make for her?

Rate this letter (took a lotta thinking so thoughtful answers)?

Where to start? Your as perfect as can be in the last 3 weeks you've driven my head crazy you run through it all day. life isn't the same without you there's never truly a dull moment all I ever want to do is lay under the shade at the park in the grass with your head on my chest. Everything is fast with you and I love it till have to say goodbye. When were not together even the angels cry after such a beautiful summer day, and no matter how bad a day is 15 minutes of your beautiful sweet voice and laugh can bring me into the clouds. Sometimes the odds seem stacked against us but I have no doubt our unstoppable duo will outlast anything because I want to be your guy your dork and your pimp mcnigga and keep our unstoppable duo going. No matter what I'll be here for you I want to be the best because you deserve the best and ill give you mine whether its making a tuxedo look comfortable in june or waking up at 4:20 in the morning to watch the sun rise ill give you all I got. Because even though you worry we'll get bored of talking and hanging out so much I know we'll be ok cause I have a few tricks up my sleeve and i want you to be around to see all of them and watch me fail help me up and we can walk this crazy path of 10 hour conversation's waking up at 4:20 together. Because I want to find out about jeff the bottle nose's dolphins happy ending : ) . Like the sun well rise and set but as long as we do it together it wont bother me one bit because wouldn't trade it for the world baby girl.

Pure coconut oil for tanning?

I have straight out coconut oil and have heard it naturally has some spf. Would it be good as a tanning oil? As it wouldn't have all the added nasties the stores "tanning coconut oils" would. Also how long should I tan for, I'm not looking to get skin cancer in the future? Thanks.

Is melanoma Hereditary?

My cousin had a cancerous mole; melanoma. I got a wicked sunburn yesterday, and a few when I was really little. I've been kinda paranoid about cancer since she was diagnosed, even tho we caught it in time. Is melanoma hereditary?

Should I get another dog ?

Well my dog just passed away on june 29 at 2:32 am and I would like to know should I get another one for her sister to play with and would she be happy and how long will it take her to get back to normal ? The one who just passed away of cancer was 12 years old and her sister who is a lab is around 9 or 10 years old and is over weight , yes i exercise her but would it help her lose some Weight with another dog ?

How much is it from albuquerque NM to Dallas, Texas?

Try Yahoo maps ["maps" button on the Yahoo home page], MapQuest or Google maps for all your map questions.

The smoke right now in Albuquerque, NM?

Ok guys if you live in western ne mexico you might know its filled with smoke caused by a wildfire that was made in Arizona.. My 4 month old puppy is outside... Should i bring him in or does nothing happen to dogs?

Is Albuquerque, NM within an hours drive to any mountains with a forest?

I love the mountains and am thinking about moving either there or Colorado Springs. Thank you for the answers! :)

Need a name for a fictional school?

I'm writing a story set in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I need a fictional name for a school the characters go to. It's just a typical public school, not the richest and not the poorest. I didn't want to use the names of any real schools just because I've never been to them and I don't know what they're like, and just for the sake of keeping my story fictional. Thanks!

Where can I hunt rabbits?

I live in Albuquerque, NM, and I was hoping a fellow hunter in my area could direct me to the closest place I can hunt rabbits. I have already been to the New Mexico hunter site, I have checked the Big Game and Trapper Rules and Information booklet, and I still can't find anywhere. Any information would be extremely helpful. Thank you :)

What would be a nice memorial tattoo?

my cousin passed away a few months ago due to brain cancer. my mom said i could get a smallish tattoo for my 16th birthday, which is coming up, and i want one to symbolize him. his name was Riley, his favorite color was green, and he loved frogs. can anyone help me come up with an idea that would be a nice commemoration for him?

Are there any gymnastics gyms that have open gym in Albuquerque NM?

My buddies and I need a place to practice parkour stuff like flips and what not with mats and maybe a foam pit in Albuquerque, nm but not have to do gymnastics classes

I felt a very small lump on my testicle?

I'm 15 years old, and i felt a small lump, or as I would describe it, a very small pebble feeling thing on my left testicle, the rest is smooth, and it is definitely on the testicle. I'm not sure if because its so small that it is testicular cancer, and does this sound like anything else to any of you? Also, my uncle died of testicular cancer at the age of 20. Actually, I would describe it much smaller than a pebble size, maybe like a very grains of sand, the "lump" is very very small, on the bottom of my left testicle, and I am fairly certain that it is not my epididymis.

Where should i cut my hair to,to donate?

cut it to your shoulders and donate it to locks of love (they make wigs out of the hair for children with cancer) i donated my hair there.

How do you get a job in Albuquerque jails?

I came to Albuquerque alone for a job opportunity. My boyfriend will move here as soon as he gets a good job and he really wants to get into any Jail here. Can anyone please help me network to get him in? I will be thankful FOREVER! Thank you!!!!

For those who believe in destiny?

How do you define it, and do you consider it as the final outcome in your life rather than the small, everyday things? Does illness come into destiny? Like if someone gets cancer, it's said that it was in their destiny.

Are there mosquitoes in New Mexico?

Zillions of the little buggers. Your local pharmacy can supply repellent creams and I suggest you buy a mosquito net to ensure a decent night's sleep.

Will Obama condemn the state of Alabama for trying to enforce laws that Obama will not enforce?

I'm surprised obama and holder haven't already tried to block the Alabama law. These turkeys don't care about state's rights, common sense, nor justice. They just think that they have all the answers and we should do as they say without dissent.

The tone of Larkin's poem MCMXIV?

The tone of Larkin's poem MCMXIV is (A) quietly happy (B) distant and sad (C) exuberant and joyful (D) thoughtful and contented.

Hearing loss and ear drum damage from earphones and loud music.. is it reversable?

So I am an old man and all, just turned 27 last month, and I have been listening to music LOUD ever since i remember.. but lately i have been doing alot of packing and moving so I have been listening to my ipod pretty much all day, and my itunes on my computer every night for hours..the earphone are the small ones that go right into your ear. So I have been waking up lately and my right ear feels weird now, like there is a constant ear inffection (much like the feeling of alot of water in your ear), but there is no pain. I got to listen to music loud because thats the only way to listen to it really. So i went ahead a bought me some of those big head phones to use, but i don't wanna wear that in public, The small ear phones are the best for that. Anyways, if i have damaged my hearing, is it gone forever?. if it is then i won't take it that hard because i have been a loose cannon for about a 15 years! So something was bounf to happen, plus I am at the age where i should be worried about skin and prostate cancer, so its the least of my worries if it doesn't kill me..but will it effect me getting a job?

Why is it easier to talk to a stranger.. Than your own family?..?

I think its jus cause your not close to your family well you are but u guys dont comunicate like most family do. plus u had a horrible thing happen in your family and your still suffering from that and it pushed you and ur family farther apart cause you dont talk about the one thing stopping you your mom wouldnt have wanted you guys to not talk about her and remember the good time and laugh about the funny memories my uncle jus passed away sunday and we wernt that close but it feels better to remember him as he was alive jus try talking about ur mom slowing start off with stories about her and the whole family together it may hurt but it wil help i promise

Why is Albuquerque NM such a dangerous city?

Gangs. However...graph below shows it is not nearly as bad as some other cities and crime has dropped recently. I have not lived there, but whenever I visited there...the talk on the news was the gang crime that is such a big problem there.

How do YOU make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

I spread the peanut butter first, and thick. It's got to be creamy peanut butter too. If I wanted a nut sandwich, I would have made a nut sandwich. The peanutbutter should be thick enought that you can make a small bowl in the middle, wall up the sides of the bread some- this will be important later, for the structural integrity of the sandwich. The crusts will be important too, people who get the crusts cut off their sandwich don't know anything about the form or function of a sandwich, and probably eat them with forks. Then on the other slice of bread I put one glop of jelly. You can't measure that way with jam or preserve, because the fruit destroys the glop, so if you lean that way you're on your own. But if you're using jelly, then a glop will do, dropped right in the center, and then spread as evenly as possible towards the crust. Don't worry if the middle is a little thicker, because you made a peanutbutter bowl on the other slice. Then the jelly side is flipped onto it's peanutbutter partner, and voila. Culinary genius.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ideas for homemade Father's Day gifts for stepdad?

I like making handmade cards - they are always appreciated especially if you created them yourself. You can purchase materials and blank cards from any good art store or stationary store or some place similar. You can also write what you want inside.

What can cause low white blood cell count?

I'm already stressed enough. My dad is about to have his 4th surgery in under 2 years and I'm about to file bankruptcy and I'm in a long distance relationship with my fiance. So I was getting my thyroid checked like I'm supposed to because I have Hashimoto's and my doc just calls me at work and tells me my WBC is low and he wants to test again and have me see a hematologist. That's the last thing I need to hear right now. I'm pretty sure it's not cancer but it still makes me nervous. I've been feeling fine aside from some minor congestion. What could cause it?

What are some thoughtful, non-cliche, and maybe even unexpectedly deep quotes that would make you happier?

Not like Marilyn Monroe or "live,laugh,love" or anything, but quotes that really catch attention.

Where can i work in Albuquerque?

I have applied through the city and have not heard anything. I need to find a job that will more than likely higher me, so that i can save for college.

What are the symptoms of parotid cancer?

difficulty with speaking, eating, swallowing, swelling in the face area, mass or some type of lump in the mouth and/or neck, pain in the side of the face and/or jaw.

Why is it so frickin' windy?

It's been windier than I can ever remember but I'm only 16. I asked my father of 47 and he said the same thing except he suggested maybe a second "dustbowl" such as the one during the great depression. I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Any thoughts on what's making it so windy?

How much gas will I spend?

I plan to take a trip from Albuquerque, NM to Las Vegas Nevada and it will be a total of 1,240 in roundtrip. I was wondering does anyone have an idea how much gas money I will spend? I was thinking of renting a small car if it gives you an idea. Thanks very much.

How can I persuade my parents to let my boyfriend come with me on vacation?

Im going to houston over the summer and i really want my boyfriend to come with me? we would both be staying at my aunts house which is what i think they would be worried about. I havnt asked them yet about him coming but i am writing a persuasive essay because my mom is a language teacher and she really likes when i do things like that. so far i've covered that it would make a good birthday present(i'll be there during my birthday), we're been going out for about ten months and the rest of my family has yet to meet him,he could do some of the driving to get there(we're driving from albuquerque),we both promise to not do anything that wouldnt be "age appropriate", and he could help with the work there(my aunt and her husband are currently building a garage/tool shed.and he likes to do construction and stuff). It would be very helpful if you guys could give me more ideas of what to add. thank you:D

A movie about two sisters and their mother gets cancer and dies?

I think it was made in the 90s but the setting was the 70s. One of the girls is named after a street. The younger one gets her period before the older one. In the end the older one gets her period. Also they end up living with their step father after the mom dies. Does any one know the name?

Girl not asking me questions? Mixed signals :/?

Tell her she is obligated as she signed up for dating, then no answer or should I say still no answer forget it.

Will doctors do a hysterectomy because of family history of uterine cancer?

I am 24 and have had all the children I'm going to have, for sure. I have a very extensive family history of cancer, uterine cancer in particular. The 3 women in my family that had uterine cancer were diagnosed at a young age and had radical hysterectomies to treat the cancer. I was planning to have my tubes tied after I had my daughter but I'd much rather have a hysterectomy if a doctor would perform it because of my family history. Would a doctor do it?

Help me make a decision please?

I am going between having gastric bypass and not. I am over weight and have sleep apnea. I have tried to lose weight, but nothing seems to work. I had Thyroid cancer and it seems to make weight loss almost impossible. I am desperate. What would you do if you were me?

Y doesnt God provide ppl w good spouses/mates so they dont fornicate or burn?

single ppl who want to wait until marriage seem to have the hardest time w dating or getting married. its like God doesnt care sometimes or have they/i/we got this thing wrong? not looking for ppl who like to disrespect others religions. im just looking for a thoughtful convo and other ways of looking at this.

Is my usps shipment lost?

I bought a thing off ebay. Paid on the 12th, and the seller ships on the 15th. Well, not so bad, I guess. Anyways, the real problem is that when I use my delivery confirmation number, it says it had left their Cincinnati, OH facility on the 17th, and it says expected delivery is the 18th. It is first class mail. Well its already the 20th (today) and it still says the same thing! No updates, does it make no stops anywhere else? Is it strictly from OH to NM (I am in albuquerque NM). Something else that worries me is that the shipment was originally from Illinois or Indiana? (State with the abbreviation IN). So its one of those two, why the heck it go to OHio for? Anyways, im Just big worried, should I wait more? I ordered things through 1st class mail from NY and they arrived in like 3 days! So is it lost or it just takes long? Thank you.

Stuck between two guys? Help?

Definitely Guy 2! He is respectful, truly cares about you, and your mother loves him! Guy 1 is definitely not worth it if he is scared of what people will think. Guy 1 also seems kind of psychotic. Just tell Guy 1 that you can't do this anymore and that you guys should take a break.

Where is the best place to live near Irvine, CA?

I am a 25 yo single male, and have just accepted a job offer in Irvine, I am moving from Albuquerque, and am looking for a nice and somewhat cheap place to live near Irvine, I know almost nothing about Orange County real estate, Also I am going for my MBA @ USC and would like a place kind if in between that has a decent nightlife, things to do and outdoor activites (mainly golf), I have been told the Long Beach area and Wesminster, the problem is I have no idea what kind of places those are, I would like to get an apartment for a while untill I learn the area and meet people and then maybe a condo, any help or insight would be greatly appreciated

What is the ball park cost to be moved from chicago area to albuquerque area 3 br small apt. in the fall?

we are planning to move any time now from the chicago suburbs to albuquerque,nm area suburbs and don't want to be hassled with giving out the particulars in form data because all is'nt clear yet we would like a ball park estimate please.It is actually a large 2 br apt. we chose a small 3 br for size just to be sure it was enough room, weight, ect.

Do i have throat cancer?

hi on me left side of me throat i have a little hard lump in my skin i can feel it when i pinch my skin im really scared :(

My disabled friend is depressed.?

This brought me to tears:( I'm so sorry about your friend. Let her know how amazing you think she is for rarely complaining and that you're sure that if she were normal, she'd be a great mother and things like that. Let her know that you are there for her and pray for her. (I just did). I honestly don't really know what to reply to this question with...:/ I think that she should go through with the surgery, though, because if it were to work, her life would be a lot better.

My girlfriend has her period?

Hey guys..I've been going out with this one girl for about a month and I really seem to like her. She is on her period, and she basically doesn't want to see me for a week lol (she still wants to see me). I want to figure out a way I could make her feel better without seeming like a wuss.I want to do something thoughtful to show that i care. If you people have any thoughts thatd be great! thanks.

Can I take crutches on a plane even if I'm not using them?

I was in St Louis a month or so ago and tore ligaments in my ankle that required crutches to go back to Albuquerque with. I am able to get around without my crutches now and am going back to St Louis so I figured I would take the crutches back with me so I can return them to the store I got them at and get my deposit back. Would I be better off checking the crutches at the airport (Although I don't want to pay for oversized bags with Southwest) or can I simply carry them through the airport and onto the plane itself with no problems?

What is a good gift to give to my Japanese pen pal?

I live in the United States and I wanted to give a unique and thoughtful gift to my Japanese pen pal. Something that they maybe don't have in Japan?

I have everything going for me, but no confidence... I need help! How do I believe in myself?

Hi I'm 16 and I have everything going for me. I am about to become a senior. I am top ten in my class. I have a 4.0 gpa. I take ap classes. I am a member of student council, the leos club, and national honors society. I am president of student council and national honor society. I play three varsity sports. I've been captain of my rec softball team since I was a sophomore and I'm going to be captain of my school soccer, basketball, and softball team. I made all conference 2nd team for softball my junior year. I have a family that loves and supports me and the most awesome friends a girl could ask for. I'm also pretty popular at my school. And i have a wonderful boyfriend who loves me to death. I work at a summer camp in the summer and basketball camps in the winter. I do community service for my church and school. And I am a very easy going person with a not too shabby sense of humor. But I have a confidence problem. This problem is affecting my life as well as my softball batting average significantly. I need help:( I just tend not to believe people when they say I can do it. I'm also kinda shy and hate admitting I'm wrong. I often become very negative and am unable to convince myself to stay positive. But I don't know what to do in order to believe in myself and therefore have a happier lifestyle. I guess I an afraid of coming off as cocky. But at this point I don't care. I want some confidence!!! And I need some thoughtful phrases or sayings that could help me out? Or maybe just a few life pointers?

Out of control brother age 20, need immediate help?

My brother has become out of control and abusive since dating his girlfriend. He throws things, screams, hits me and swings at our mother, lies, steals, and more. He overdrafts his bank account on a weekly basis by hundreds of dollars, and mom is passive and does not hold him accountable for anything. The girlfriend is a huge problem-we found a blog she kept for months about what idiots our family is, and she deleted it-but it's still a nightmare dealing with them. Now, the new thing is a 4th of July trip he wants to go on with her. My mom wants to kick him out if he goes, but I think it is going to kill her. The situation would be easier to deal with if my mom didn't have stage 4 breast cancer. The stress of my brother's actions are too much on her. The situation would also be easier if my dad was around, but he is just as dysfunctional as my brother, and my mom is currently filing for divorce. I let them move into my home a few months ago, and I wish things were easier. Any advice? We need help.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What are the best things to do and see in Albuquerque?

I'm going to Albuquerque the week of April 4th (during the week not the weekend) and I'm wondering what the best things are to do and see! There will be one man, and two women who are all in their 50's, and then there will also be a 22 year old too so whatever you suggest should be something people of all ages can enjoy, and whatever you suggest should be UNIQUE to Albuquerque! Feel free to recommend places to eat also if you'd like, but there is no need to mention air balloons because we are already looking into that, thanks!

Severely enlarged tonsils with no pain?

Me and everybody that knows me have agreed that my tonsils are probably the gnarliest, nastiest looking tonsils they've ever seen. Not pus wise. My left one is pretty in flamed and has signs of yellowish streaks on it. Weird not clumps or balls of food just like yellowish whitish streaks all over the tonsil but its not that noticeable unless i look real closely in the mirror. The left one is not the problem. Although the right is one is so huge that it is literally dipped into my throat probably halfway, well at least thats how it feels. It is one huge puffy not hard but firm tonsil but when it ends on the bottom is another pink colored firm fleshy tonsil looking growth. They are both the exact same size almost and same color texture almost as if it is made of the same tissue/tonsil. But it is one then it gets a little smaller and another tonsil-looking lump hanging from it in to my throat. It doesnt hurt at all ever, not even to swallow. But it does feel like I have something lodged in my throat and it feels irritating to swallow saliva because nothing makes the feeling go away. Eventually it goes away on its own for a little while and comes back. Then sometimes I have trouble breathing through my mouth so it seems. It hurts if I press on it from the outside under my chin on the side under my jaw like on the neck you can feel the right one since it is so inflamed. I cant really see no pus on the right one but the other day I gargled salt water with a few drops of lime juice and I coughed up to little mushy yellow balls. They looked like tonsil stones but when I saw them I immediately squooshed them with my fingers to feel the texture. They easily pulverized into a mashed potato like substance that smelled awful. These were probably tonsil stones, I dont know. But the problem remains the super huge right tonsil. That looks like a pair of testicles almost. Im 17 I used to smoke cigarettes for almost a year, stupid of me ******* myself up so young, came to my senses and stopped. Hopefully the damage hasnt been officially done and its far away from cancer of the throat. But still I want these gone. Ive been prescribed ampicillin, penicillin (oral & injection), amoxicillin, salt & lemon gargles nothing works. I even went to an ancient mexican healer that healed swollen tonsils by "breaking" some nerves in the neck and arm. (last resort) My father was healed that way and never had problems with his tonsils ever again. But it did not work on me. Some doctors recommend a tonsillectomy but honestly i dont want to get rid of my tonsils, not so much because I need them but Im the kind of person that doesnt like something being ripped out of his body unless its a life and death situation. Im thinking of homeopathy. I dont know, what other options do I have?

Atheists and Theists united, could it happen?

Are there any people in this section, regardless of belief, who aren't concerned with insulting people and would like to engage in peaceful dialogue? I'm a Catholic, and I am not condemning anybody. I'm just advocating thoughtful questions and thoughtful answers from both sides.

Should high school be extended to five years?

Explain why you disagree or agree by providing reasons and examples from your own expierence, observations or readings (: ...... Please give me a thoughtful answer (: ............ Thank you so much!

Bridesmaids gifts? Any thoughtful and useful yet inexpensive ideas?

The customary gift from the bride is you give them jewelry at the rehearsal dinner to go with their gowns. I found a bead store that only charged me $20 for necklace/earring sets for my girls.

Wedding ceremony sites in Albuquerque?

Does anyone know of any INEXPENSIVE, yet beautiful wedding ceremony sites in Albuquerque that does not include a public park? churches, bed and breakfasts, gardens, etc.? thanks!

Where can I buy gundam model kits in Albuquerque NM?

if the stores around you dont carry them, online is your best bet, that way they can be shipped to your door

Boyfriend didn't get me anything my last two birthdays...?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. We are both college students, so we don't have a ton of money, but I have been working part time for my money the last 1.5 years, and he makes almost twice as much as me (granted it's still not a lot) by receiving money from his dad being a veteran. Last year, he simply apologized for not getting me anything because he had no money, so I accepted it, but was a little hurt he didn't even get a card, or even try to do anything out of the ordinary. His birthday is a month after mine, and I took him out on a nice pick-nick where we had our first date, bought him expensive wine, dressed up, and had lunch made for him, and dessert. I also put together a whole music collection of songs that we love. This year, same thing. He claims he is too broke. I know he doesn't have a lot, and I mentioned that not everything has to cost money to be thoughtful. Still nothing. Now his birthday will be coming up, and I can't help but feel resentful. I feel like he can be stingy with his money when it comes to me, but then he pays $600 for a new part for his Harley. He has lent me money before, and then reminds me daily that I owe him it. What would you do or say if you were me?

Did make anyone else tear up? I bought the book who else did? quit smoking?

I heard many great things about this but I not sure what I should do, I don't want to die of cancer, so Im Going to stick to the instructions, who else bought it from I need to quit smoking because I don't want my kids to end up in the hospital when they are older because of me. Im need to drop my habits and I need to quit smoking.

Help to find a place for a benefit car wash???? IN ALBUQUERQUE NM?

I am hitting a dead end, we are trying to have a benefit car wash for my mother who needs a kidney and a pancreas transplant and needs to go out of state to get it. We have asked a lot of places around Albuquerque and nothing people want an organization so they can write it off. I don't know what to do anymore please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does any one know any songs like this?

Does anyone know any songs like Roslyn by Bon Iver and St. Vincent? I'm in a very spiritual and thoughtful mood.

Should barak hussein obama ii should taken that left turn at Albuquerque?

George Bush also received verbal tar and feathers. And if a Republican gets back into the White House, they can expect the same thing.

Moving to Albuquerque, Need advice!?

hi! albuquerque is a great city, but women to men are about equal... people your age usually hit the bars and clubs downtown, theres a couple sports bars that are popular.. ummm.. winrock shopping center... oh, the area around UNM is also very popular due to the college students, but good luck and happy hunting!

Careers advice for teenage boy.?

Very intelligent, thoughtful and sociable teenager. Possibly more inclined to sciences but does some incredible creative writing. Which careers give job satisfaction, good income, reasonable hours? What career would you choose if you could do it all again.

Both custodial and non-custodial parents moving out of state, who pays travel?

I moved with my children to Nashville from Denver in February. Now my ex-husband is moving to Albuquerque from Denver. Does he need my permission to move? There are no direct plane flights from Nashville to Albuquerque and unaccompanied minors cannot fly on non-direct flights. My son is 7, he cannot change planes. My daughter is 11, but the airlines go by the youngest child's age. Because my ex is moving to an area without a major airline hub, should he be responsible for purchasing a ticket to meet the kids in the connecting city and taking them back to Albuquerque? When we drew up the new parenting plan he was living in Denver and this was not an issue. I am financially responsible for the first 3 trips per year, he is responsible for all others. His move increases the travel fees by hundreds of dollars and he is saying that I will need to purchase my own ticket and fly with the kids to the connecting city.

Moving to Albuquerque, NM for six months. What should I do while there?

I am 26/m and moving to Albuquerque for six months for work. What do people recommend I do while there? I'll probably be working 6 days a week and only have Saturday night and Sunday day off...

Someone called the landlord on me because I was loud. Should I apologize?

It's always a good idea to consider meeting your neighbors. Apologize, and if they seem ok, give them your number or at least the go-ahead to contact you somehow if you are being too loud. Just be willing to keep it down if they feel you are being loud.

New mexico Albuquerque or utah salt lake city or salem?

my husband and i along with our 3 beautiful 4 yr 2yr and 8 mnth old need to get out of California and get a fresh start any opinions or advice we need high employment and low cost living and preferably away from the coast

Abortion when should it be allowed/stopped?

Once a fetus reaches a certain age its considered alive and shouldn't be abortiond. Before that is when abortions should be conducted. Cause its not considered alive or human or whatever. Religion is a huge factor in this. Most people who are against abortions are religion nuts. I hate religion. it runs out society. Im not gonna get into a religious debate here so no im not against abortion. And I think it will be continued.

What do you define as gay underwear?

boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, lowrise briefs, thong, jockstraps, speedo, low-cut boxerbriefs. which are gay in your eyes and why. please thoughtful answers. i dont want "cuz they are gay" or "only gay guys like them" etc.

I am feeling a lot of feelings for a friend that came back into my life but I have a bf already.?

My boyfriend and I live together and we have been dating for almost a year. He has lost my trust due to him lieing about strange addictions such a teen porn and not telling me he has never gotten checked for HIV and other stuff that made me loose his trust. Now he is trying his hardest to gain my trust since he is sure now that he wants to be with me forever. A friend from the past found me on FB and we all ended up hanging out but I felt so much unspoken energy between us and he even thinks he can read my mind. He used to be overweight back in the day and after I asked him how he found me he said he wanted to get in touch with a lof of his friends and I was very memorable and made such a big impact on his life and getting out of his shell. He is very thoughtful, my boyfriend is not. Sweet and calm, my boyfriend is not and I just don't know what is going on with me. I can't stop thinking about him and when we see each other we lock eyes a lot. Am I being ridiculous or this a sign of something new?

1980 El Aguila year book?

I need to find a picture of any of the 1980-1989 year books for Eldorado High School in Albuquerque, NM Does anyone know where I can just find a picture?????

Is this a sign of oral cavity cancer?

so i had this painful ulcer right behind my wisdom teeth on the top left side of my mouth.. i thought the ulcer was causing the whole left side of my mouth to hurt but now that the ulcer is healing it's still painful to open my mouth. I investigated and found a painful lump on my retromoler trigone (the tissue that connects your jaw on the inside of your mouth). I went to the dentist 2 day's ago.. he checked out the ulcer and gave me an xray to get my wisdom teeth removed but i never noticed the lump then.. should i go back and mention this to him or do you think it will pass with time ?

Question about Christianity, Evolution, and forgiveness.?

Creationism is a minority view within Christianity. Many creationists are lying to support their agenda.

Wwhat is the difference racism or response?

Only if she so over generalises her experience that her attitude and behaviour becomes harmful to innocent people. In this case, she is aware, in a general way that there is a problem of negotiating the boundaries between caution and undue prejudice. So it's probable she will avoid excessive racism.

I am 14 and think i have testicular cancer please help?

I am 14 years old and Have recently started having sharp random pains in my scrotum, also i have notised a rainin sized and shaped thing above my left testical. is this testicular cancer? I needto know

We're about to do our first PCS move - any tips, suggestions, etc?

Moving from Albuquerque, NM to Tacoma, WA. Air force, first PCS move. Not sure what to pack, what to not pack, things important to do? We are letting TMO move us but I know there are things we will need. Any tips would be helpful!

What does it mean when you've been with a girl for a few months and she suddenly starts ignoring you?

Was seeing a girl for a few months, we were both incredibly busy so we both decided to slow things down a little bit, but then we decided to remain mates because we were just too busy(we're in college)..she just ignores all my texts now, I understand that some girls do that if their not interested anymore, but is there some form of twisted mind game that some girls try to play when doing it, does it always mean they dont want to talk to you again. Because to be fair, we never argued and I didn't actually do anything wrong : / it was about 3-4 weeks ago I sent her a card and a box of chocolates because she sounded pretty stressed on the phone and wanted to cheer her up, she seemed happy when she received them, but recently found out she was freaked out by them, and found it abit weird... Since then, shes been alil funny with me, really thought it was the best thing to do, something thoughtful and alil different, but clearly not...

Is there any checkpoints between El Paso, TX and Albuquerque, NM?

My friends and I are going to some concert next weekend and I was wondering if there was any checkpoints because I do not have a drivers license and the the car I drive is under my mom's name.

Suggestions for hotels in Albuquerque?

My sister will be staying in ABQ for close to two weeks. Looking for suggestions for hotels. We are hoping for a place that doesn't smell moldy, or doesn't smell in general. Comfortable beds, good breakfast, accommodations a little nicer than a cheapy hotel, but hopefully under $100/night.

Cardinal sun but fixed personality?

I have my Sun in Cancer in my 10th house. My moon in Libra in my 12th house conjunct my ascendant. Venus trine my ascendant. Pluto in Scorpio in my 1st house. Which one of these aspects would give me a fixed personality? It seems like my chart is mostly cardinal but I am SO stubborn. Would my Cancer sun make me that way?

Need your advice on an issue PLEASE HELP!?

Ok so im a woman and best friends with a man.we met in work and became so close told each-other everything he was almost like a brother to me!.He is a single father of two children.We went on a date last weekend with his children it was really fun and then afterwards he got a babysitter and brought me out to a restaurant which surprised me as i thought the date finished when we were done with the kids .which was very thoughtful :) but it was in the restaurant he actually began act strange like kinda panicky? then when we were on our way out before we got to the car he began bursting out feelings and told me before he liked me but now he loves me for over a year now and that i never noticed his feelings and he wanted a relationship but was afraid of me saying no and cares about me and so on . and i didn't know what to say he wasn't drunk either i was gobsmacked didn't say anything so all i did was kiss then he dropped me home and i thanked him and bblah bla blah! NOW he has been avoiding me and hasn't called because i think he thinks i rejected him i also think i gave him the wrong impression that i didn't like him i just never said anything as i never knew he was ever interested i really like him too .i know he hasn't dated in years or had a relationship and has always done the best for his kids.there mother isn't in there lives at all.This guy i know him with over 6 years hes the best friend you could ever have and his kids are so friendly and so well brought up i think i ruined it.what do i do i havent heard from him since saturday night?Also is it a good thing to get in a relationship with a close friend i dont want to feel im invading his childrens space either? Thanks for any help :)

Do you mind if your beauty products contain harmful ingredients?

Sorry if that sounds judgmental. :P Just wondering. So much crap at the drugstore has ingredients linked to cancer, hormone imbalances. I don't know if people just don't know, don't want to know, or don't care?

Advise about getting married to this man?

There is a reason for everything. There is a reason why he is lying. Have a conversation with him in which you draw the reason out of him in a supportive, non-confrontational way. Once you understand why he is lying, you will be better equipped to decide what to do about it.

Does anyone know what year this neighborhood was built in Albuquerque?

Between the 1930's and the 1950's. That area grew up mostly because of route 66 which is modern Central avenue.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Compatibility between these two signs?

god dammit. Astrology isn't real. do you not realize how ridiculous horoscopes are? consider 100 aries and 100 gemini after reading that crap a good percentage of each will think "omg this is totally me :D" there is no correlation

What are some good and affordable places to get married by an officiant in Albuquerque?

We want our family to be there so mabye it could be a chapel or something...We dont want to get married by the church...

What is this wart like this on my leg? Help!!!?

Yeah just go to your dermatologist and he'll let you know if it's cancer or not. In the meantime, try not to dwell on it. Thinking about it just makes you freak out more. You're doing all you can, so just relax.

Train Ride!! What do I pack?!?

Ok!! So, I'm going on a train ride to Albuquerque to Oregon. So, what do I pack for this? Were gonna be on the train 2 days and 2 nights... I know clothes lol but what kind.. Shorts, dress, really idk!! Haa i know its gonna be hot, but.. Please i want some help! Its wendsay!

Which Japanese Princess died within the last five years?

I'm trying to find out about the Japanese Princess that died within the last five years. I believe that she ultimately died of cancer, but I also believe that she was very poorly during her whole life, and possibly spent the last few years of her life in a wheelchair.

Are 15 year olds legally allowed to have dirt bikes in new Mexico?

You can own a dirt bike if you were 15 months old. True dirt bikes are not street legal. Therefore, all you need is money for the purchase and the means of transporting the bike home.

When i do this in the mall?

ok, so, i live in Albuquerque New Mexico and i was wondering what would happen if walked in the a department store in the mall with about 10 other people and we gang raped a fake person doll.

How do i make a cancer man's interest peak to the highest point?

i am facing great trouble in attracting him towards me. he is avoiding me continuously and not behaving as before he does. he is looking like a complete stranger, i think he is losing his interest in me. i want him back. please let me know how do i over come my fear and get rid of this problem.

I just need some advice..?

U said that u are not a lesbian but this ur girlfriend got u so hypnotise. Its so interesting, I mean ar u not attracted to boys? If ur answer is NO then u ar about to enter into the lesbian family. To get rid of it, make i little shift from ur base and go to another town where ur relation stays and lived there. That will help u think less of her and probably avoid the risk of having sex with her one day. Believe me u will feel better.

Describe this personality please?

Wants people to like her so much so she licks **** and try's hard to be perfect. Can be sweet but also can be annoying and over the top which she is ignorant to.

Why do dog owners prefer to avoid calling a vet when dog is in danger?

Instead they go on here and ask questions "Is my dog dying?" Or "My dog is peeing blood, does it have cancer?" It takes less time to call a vet and ask and in return get real expert advice or input. If a dog is in a life threatning condition why do they just sit at the computer waiting for answers that will just tell them to go to the vet anyway? Are they just trying to avoid vet bills and waiting for someone to say they don't need to go?

I'm worried about skin cancer, parents aren't?

You're not overreacting. Your parents are idiots. Beg to be allowed to stay home when your mother goes tanning.

Gift for Boyfriend/ Bestfriends Birthday?

He's my Bestfriend & my Boyfriend, he's helped me get through so much, & he's really important to me so for his birthday I thought it would be a cute Idea since he loves basket ball, to get a basket ball & write some meaningful stuff on it,( I know it's not much but it's a thoughtful idea) -.- But I have writers block.. any suggestions?

What prop do I need for my boat?

I have a 1986 Bayliner with an outboard Force 125 on it. I live in Albuquerque NM and on the water I can run about 35mph or 4200 RPMs. I have been told that I need to get another prop to get my RPMs up. What do I need to get?

Compatibility in Depth pleaseeeeeee! Taurus & moon and rising!?

[girl-] Taurus sun sagittarius moon cancer rising compatibility with [boy- ] Scorpio sun aquarius moon capricorn rising? I need to know more in detail about the attraction or anything, but a bit more specific than a yes or no answer please :) I just really can't deny a strong attraction to this (secretive) Scorpio :/

My fetishes - Acceptable or too weird?

you sound like a really great guy. legit. and because you're a great guy, your fetishes are not a turn off. all you need is a girl to understand that and if the girl you're with thinks its creepy, then you shouldn't be with her. you'll find someone perfect for you. they will love you so much for whats on the inside that they wont care that you like feet or get turned on by certain stuff. good luck!! :D

Could it be Skin cancer?

Hi I am a 13 year old girl with skin that doesn't burn to easy, light brown hair, and blue green eyes. About two days ago I noticed a brownish mark on my mid chest area. I have been looking into skin cancer stuff a lot lately because there is also pinkish mark on my leg that I'm get checked out in about two weeks. But this brownish mark on my chest is freaking me out. Could it be melanoma? I don't ever go tanning and rarely get burned, I don't think I have ever been burned on my chest. Could this just be a scar from a zit or something? (I have a lot of acne on my chest neck area at times)

I'm trying to give up soda, any good alternative beverages out there?

I'm going to be going to college this upcoming fall and I'd like to prepare myself for the 3 buffet meals daily lifestyle. I've already got a good diet plan from my fitness instructor and in addition she told me it would be great if I could drink less soda. I drink a considerable amount now "average 3 cans a day" and my favorite part about it is the burning sensation when it goes down your throat. Are there any other healthier beverages that produces this burn that doesn't have a lot of access sugar or alcohol? Also I've heard that switching to diet might be a good option but that it might cause cancer, is there any scientific basis to this or is it just rumor?

I feel more like Pisces?

My sun sign is Cancer but I feel more like Pisces then it. My moon is Pisces and Rising Leo. Does anyone know why the Pisces sign is more dominant over me?

Help! How to accomplish my dream?

For all my life, I have wished that i was Japanese and lived in Japan, and knew Japanese. I live in a poor family, so there is no chance that i will ever go there, but boy have i tried to let my parents take us! I know it's not their fault. I still want to go to Japan, but my parents cannot afford the Foreign Exchange Program at my school. I fear that if i wait until I am done with school , it will be too late: and i will not have the experience of going to school in Japan. I haven't even learn the Japanese language yet! There are no classes that i know of that teach Japanese in Albuquerque/Rio Rancho New Mexico. What should i do?

I need a poem explanation?

Think of all the things you love, then think of metaphors for each of them. The most important thing about a poem like this is to make it personal and heart-felt. Just be you, and say anything you like. This is the best type of homework, because you can literally do what you want, and justify it how you wish!

How to get my rat to put on weight?

my rat is very old with cancer, shes seen a vet who said to leave her to go naturally. she's lost a lot of weight, she eats but doesnt gain. what can i feed her to make her put weight on? shes just a skeleton at the moment

How to go about receiving child custody.?

i live in ex and my kids live in ex-girlfriend (of 10 years) lived in albuquerque and was frequently taking my kids across the mexico border to visit her wanted felon boyfriend without my permission..the kids told me in detail of the many times i happened.she denied it.the u.s. marshalls know of her relationship with said felon.she then disappeared for about 7 months with my kids.her family in albuquerque didnt not know of her where abouts.she stopped taking the kids to school and abandoned her apt.i filed a missing persons report for my kids. she called me months later from mexico from a private number.she told me that she lived in juarez with the kids.she didnt want to explain why.just that it was drug related.she then moved deeper into mexico for no apparent reason.the kids did went to a spanish only kids hardly speak spanish.she began telling me she wanted to leave mexico but she was afraid the police were after her.PARANOID.she told me if i can pick her up at the border so we can attempt to fix our relationship.i agreed.we came back to arkansas where she spent a jobless month before leaving to l.a. to live with her parents.the kids where enrolled in school here but that didnt stop her from leaving because of "depression".she continues to be jobless living out of her parents living room with 3 kids.she now is planning to move again.i want to put a stop to this once and for all.i have a steady job, for a few years now.i actually live in a nice house.i have no criminal background nor do i do drugs.i did attempt suicide 3 years ago by slitting my wrist.that was the only breakdown i ever had in my not sure how to go about starting a custody case or proving paternity.also what are my chances of actually having the kids put under my custody and are there any pro bono custody attorneys? im not wealthy at all.but i can provide for them.i love my kids and i hate to see their lives ruined by an unfit mother.

What hours can you buy beer at gas stations in new mexico?

Looking at what hours you can purchase beer in Albuquerque. And also is liquor sold in grocery stores? Or is it just in liquor stores?

Can you say something that hasn't already been said about The Beatles or Led Zeppelin?

One of my favorite things about The Beatles is that each and every song is unlike the rest yet they all maintain that unique 'Beatles' feel. Never has a collection of music connected with me on every level possible as theirs have. They are enigmatically perpetual and inexplicably wonderful...

She just broke up with her boyfriend, what should I do?

break up with her and man up, you only 21, when you get a job you better equiped to date a much wider variety of beautiful girls as you will be working and earning some income. it sounds unbelievable but you will meet more women, but improve your self esteem issues and approach girls you fancy more often, talk to them

Worried about the past?

If your husband never saw or experienced any physical abuse, then it is likely that the father mellowed with age or the abuse claims are overstated. Regardless, if your husband isn't the least bit concerned, you probably shouldn't be either. Neither you or your husband have ever seen an issue. Maybe you should talk to a doctor and/or therapist about your anxiety disorder and tendency to fixate on things. The relationship is good, their behavior from everything you and your husband have seen is fine...yet you are worrying about something that may have happened 30something years ago. That isn't a good way to go through life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hearing loss and ear drum damage from earphones and loud music.. is it reversable?

So I am an old man and all, just turned 27 last month, and I have been listening to music LOUD ever since i remember.. but lately i have been doing alot of packing and moving so I have been listening to my ipod pretty much all day, and my itunes on my computer every night for hours..the earphone are the small ones that go right into your ear. So I have been waking up lately and my right ear feels weird now, like there is a constant ear inffection (much like the feeling of alot of water in your ear), but there is no pain. I got to listen to music loud because thats the only way to listen to it really. So i went ahead a bought me some of those big head phones to use, but i don't wanna wear that in public, The small ear phones are the best for that. Anyways, if i have damaged my hearing, is it gone forever?. if it is then i won't take it that hard because i have been a loose cannon for about a 15 years! So something was bounf to happen, plus I am at the age where i should be worried about skin and prostate cancer, so its the least of my worries if it doesn't kill me..but will it effect me getting a job?

Has U.S. Airways gone berserk in its dress code? Have men's knees and boxer shorts suddenly become obscene?

The airline is privately owned. As long as it is evenly applied they can establish any dress code they wish.

Whats a good surname for Skye?

Why not make that her surname and call her " Isla Skye " - this is a play on the " Isle of Skye" , one of the islands off the west coast of scotland.

How long does a pre order from wal-mart take?

i preordered mortal kombat 9 and portal 2 and i live in Albuquerque New Mexico so how long should it take cuz im very impatient.

I need a gift idea for a new guy?!?

I have been talking to this guy for a few months now, but he lives in Germany right now ( he is in the army and he is my step-dad's captain, they are both stationed there) I have not met him yet, I will be meeting him in September for the first time! His birthday is in July and thought it would be nice to send him a little something while he is still over in Germany just to show him I care. I am not looking for anything big or deep, because we are not anything official right now but are definitely interested in each other. I just want to send him something little, personal and thoughtful! He is very big into traveling, photography and playing guitar as well as star trek! I am having trouble coming up with personal ideas that have anything to do with these interests! Please help! any suggestions??

I need information about Albuquerque, New Mexico, please?

I am a UK citizen and will be vacationing in Albuquerque in July this year. I'll also be a first time visitor to the states. I'll have around 10 days in ABQ and I would like to know some things to do and some to avoid? I'd also like to know what it's like living long-term in Albuquerque, specifically in terms of crime rate, public safety, healthy living, air quality and most favourable areas to live?

How come women have a tendency?

To view themselves as good people. Ask a woman, any woman to describe herself. And she will say she is kind, thoughtful, honest, caring, trustworthy and so on. You will never hear a woman say I struggle with selfishness, vanity, or telling the truth. Why do modern women view themselves in such a positive way?

I have a knot in my breast. help?

I am 15. The knot is about the size of a quarter. It hurts to breath and touch. I am really hot and throw up. It is cancer?

This happened yesterday-4 pit X's killed woman walking. What will happen to the owners?

i would like the owners of any dog that kills a human being to be on a new reality show called kill the owner ... because we all know it is not the dogs fault (freakin sarcasm) ... so owner Maria Hardiman should be shackled and attached to a wall facing several men with guns ... every man with a gun gets to take a shot starting with a foot or arm or hand and working up to the head and death ... the death must be painful and not quick ... make the husband watch his wife be ripped apart and killed ... anyone who finds that a bit much or a bit harsh, lets ask Margaret Salcedo what she thinks, oh wait, we can't because that is exactly how she died, painfullly and prolonged and in intense fear ... next it is the husband's turn ... it would be nice if all family and friends could be in the background freaking out as that would push up ratings for sure ... and kill that bastard who let his weapons roam free ... it is the age of reality television and it is the age to eradicate these monsters that some are still deluded into thinking they are pets ...